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150g      DLA Fruit Nectar Raspberry
300ml  Cream
60g       Condensed milk
30g       Granulated Sugar
70g       DLA Santo Tomas 70% Dark Chocolate Couverture
60g       DLA Fruitnectar Raspberry (topping)

Here is the home made method without
an ice cream maker.


1. Start by chopping the dark chocolate into different sizes (to make the ice
cream more rustic).

2. Add granulated sugar and condensed milk to fresh cream and whisk. Add in
the Fruit Nectar and mix until fully incorporated.

3. Put half of the mixture in an ice cream container and spread evenly with a spatula.

4. Sprinkle the dark chocolate and Fruit Nectar all over the first layer.

5. Spread the remaining layer on top and sprinkle with more chocolate and
Fruit Nectar.

6. Place in the freezer until the ice cream is completely set.

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