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200g  DLA Santo Tomas 70% Dark Chocolate
50g  Heavy cream
30g  Roasted nuts
90g  Dried fruits
10g   Biscuits
20g  Marshmallows
1/2 tbsp Brandy Powdered sugar


1. Place DLA Santo Tomas 70% Dark Chocolate in a bowl and melt it using a
double boiler.

2. Heat the heavy cream in the microwave for 1 minute, then add it to
the bowl with the melted chocolate and mix well.

3. Coarsely chop larger nuts. Cut the marshmallows into small pieces. Add
chopped nuts, dried fruits, biscuits, and marshmallows to the chocolate
mixture. Pour in the brandy and thoroughly combine all the ingredients.

4. Lay out a sheet of plastic wrap and transfer the mixture onto it. Shape the
mixture into a cylindrical log, wrapping it tightly with the plastic wrap. Place the
log in the refrigerator and let it chill until firm. Take it out a few times during
the chilling process to reshape if needed.

5. Once the chocolate saucisson is firm, remove it from the plastic wrap and
dust it with powdered sugar.

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